Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Homework due Wednesday 7th December


1. Complete all the sections of the worksheet begun in class

2. Write your own review of a film that you have seen (250 words minimum) - you must find and add an image from the internet to accompany your review.

*Be sure to:
- consider the publication and target audience
- use the pyramid structure and answer the 5Ws
- make it entertaining as well as informative

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Homework due Weds 24th November

Produce a bullet point timeline for your trailer.

You began to draft this in class today but I want you to develop the detail to enable us to create a storyboard next lesson.

Therefore I want EVERYONE to produce an individual timeline. You may choose the exact structure but your trailer must include the following:

Certification screen
Production - studio / distributor credit
Film title
Stars names
Release date information
Production information screen
Website details

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Homework due Weds 17th November

Use the A3 sheet from class to develop your idea for THE SECRET

Write some short comments around each of the headings.

For the PLOT consider:
what is the secret?
who knows?
who doesn't?
what happens if they find out?
what can be done to protect the secret?

* Be creative BUT try to make it something that we can make in school


TASK: Create a trailer for a new movie for teenagers


1. What is the story

2. Who are the main characters

3. Write a plot summary (who, what, where, when, why & how?)

4. Timeline the trailer (scene by scene in bullet points)

5. Storyboard the trailer

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Homework due Weds 27th October

Film Trailer Analysis

What is the purpose of a film trailer?

What are the different types of trailer?

Explain with examples.

What are the key elements (ingredients) of a trailer?

Find a teaser trailer for a film that you know
Create a narrative timeline for the trailer
Create a list of the key ingredients specific to that trailer
Reverse storyboard the trailer – watch it frame by frame and deconstruct the:

mise-en-scene, camerawork, sound, editing

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Homework update!

Please review the instructions on the previous homework posting.
Revisit your own work and make the necessary adjustments.

Your completed work must be in my pigeonhole (staffroom on ground floor with photocopier) by Friday lunchtime please.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Homework - due Wednesday 29th September

Textual Analysis

Last week we completed tables to illustrate our understanding of the mise-en-scene in still images. This week we began to consider the technical construction and particularly camerawork.

Your homework for next lesson is to finish that table.
There are 3 parts to the work:
1. Find/construct a definition for each of the shots listed in the middle column. You may choose to make this a research task and cut & paste the definitions
2. Find image to demonstrate the definitions. Search the web for images that fit the definition AND that you can discuss for column 3
3. Effects - you must explain the effects on the audience for the specific image you have chosen, ie why did the photographer choose that format?

On the table I gave you their are web links to 2 media websites that will give you much of the information. * You must NOT use the pictures from those websites - you must find your own.


Medium Shot: MS

This type of shot gives equal weight (space) to both the subject and the background. This allows us to see the subject in some detail but also the surrounding environment / action


In this shot we can see how LC’s character is dressed and how he is feeling via his posture and facial expression. We can also see the location, the lighting and the rain behind him push him forward.

Good luck & see you next week

Wednesday, 8 September 2010


Welcome to the 13s Media Blog

We will be using this blog to accompany some of the work we do in class. I will list information here to support your GCSE Media studies.

You must now create your own Media Blog to enable you to follow my blog.

Go to '' to set up your own account.
When you have done this return to this 13s Media blog and click on the FOLLOW button at the top of the page.

After you have done that I want you to post me a message - scroll down this page to the POST BOX and send me a message to say 'Hi, this is (your name)'s blog'

Well done, you are now a Blogger!

Mr Whyte